Critical Questions.

The oppositional Gaze: 

The writer discusses how African Americans have developed the oppositional gaze but can you think of other ethnicities who could have an oppositional gaze as well?

Real Women Have Curves:
Our culture is deeply ingraned in everything we do but at what point do we decide to let go of certain aspects and norms? Is the conformity to another culture ever acceptable?

Mulvey: Visual pleasure and narrative cinema

I am simply interested in the views of other ladies in regards to the male envy ideology portrayed in the narrative. Is this something you agree with or does it seem as farfetched and absurd to you as it is to me?

Chapter 6: Consumer culture:
Is there a specific commercial of a product you can remember that actually influenced you to buy it?

An Introduction of Genre Theory: Chandler

I or perception of movies, films and art are believed to be largely based on personal view how is it that genre classification has any relevance? Or perhaps should it?

Practice of Looking, Chapter 3 : Sturken

Does the fact that men are now used as sexual objects justify the use of women in the same manner? Is the use of the two sex equal? Does this matter?

In an era in which we boldly proclaim the equality of men and women, what exactly is the benefit of women's sexuality? Is it as necessary as it once was decades ago?

Practice of Looking

Consider how Sturken describes images as being able to draw different emotions from individuals. How influential do you think the artist or painter or perhaps producer has on how we percieve these images?

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