Monday, July 15, 2013

In the Case of Trayvon Martin.

Today we discussed the case of Trayvon Martin in class. This case has gained so much attention worldwide. Is it a racial issue? A moral issue? A Gun law issue? Questions seem to constantly pop up. There have been several petitions going around since Zimmerman's acquittal. These petitions aim to send Zimmerman back to trail for a trail many believed to be unjust. On facebook nearly every friend has posted a status in regards to the issue, some supporting Zimmerman while others oppose him. The power of our words is that it is able to travel far beyond what we imagine. Centuries ago it was through word of mouth but due to the ever growing technology we have our words are able to travel even farther and reach many more people. In light of our discussions of imagery and videos I found a very interesting video of a regular guy with no ties to the case or legal background giving his take on what transpired between Zimmerman and Martin that night. The fact that he chose to video tape his thoughts is what inspired me to post this link.

This video has already been circulated thousands of times on facebook and other social media sites. One viewer stated " He should have been a part of the prosecution". Many others have praised him also for what seems to be a pretty sensible yet overlooked concept of what really could have happened the night of the incident.

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